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Frax Flash: A Biolite Favourite for Laser Skin Resurfacing

This minimally-invasive treatment is the solution to all your skin problems

The laser skin resurfacing technology is gaining much popularity in the world of cosmetic procedures. Frax Flash is one of the treatment methods that employs this technology. According to a survey, 88 percent of people who underwent laser skin resurfacing procedures felt that their appearance significantly improved.

How does it work?

Frax Flash uses concentrated beams of laser light to target water molecules located in the dermal layer. As the water molecules heat, skin starts producing collagen that then removes all signs of ageing and unwanted pigmentation. This particular method is called laser vapourisation or laser peel. Laser skin resurfacing treatments use two types of lasers: Carbon dioxide lasers and erbium lasers. The former minimises warts, scars, and deep wrinkles, while the later removes mild pigmentation and fine lines on the face, hands, and chest. Frax Flash uses various medical laser devices and the laser’s intensity is set at different levels according to your skin’s needs and sensitivity. It is safe for anyone between the age of 25 to 60. This treatment gives the best results when paired with DermaSweep exfoliation.

Who is it for?

Frax Flash reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It lightens all types of acne scars like boxcar and ice pick scars. Those who are suffering from hyperpigmentation in the form of sunspots and age spots can also benefit from it. It is highly effective in balancing your skin tone and smoothing skin texture. While you will notice visible improvements from the first session, the treatment may take two to three weeks before giving you your desired results.

Procedure and recovery

Like most laser skin resurfacing procedures, one session of Frax Flash takes about 30 to 45 minutes. The effect of this treatment lasts for several months and the healing time depends on the intensity of the laser used. Undergoing Frax Flash is a painless experience, but to remove the possibility of any pain, the doctor applies topical anesthetic on the affected area. In case you require a laser on a larger area, then you will be given a mild sedative. Dermatologists suggest that one should quit smoking two weeks before getting any laser skin resurfacing therapy.

Post-treatment care

There are no known side effects of Frax Flash, however, people with highly sensitive skin can experience swelling or redness. In post-treatment care, one must wear sunscreen, use a hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic cleanser, and avoid exposure to pollution to reduce the risk of triggering reactions in newly treated skin. FEATURED IMAGE COURTESY: Cookie_studio for

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