Health Screening & Diagnostics

Cancer Screening

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Unlocking the potential of early detection with Biolite

In the realm of cancer management, early detection holds the key to a brighter future. Cancer screening is an essential pillar of proactive healthcare, allowing us to spot potential issues before they become critical. At Biolite, your well-being is paramount, and we're here to accompany you on this vital journey.

What is cancer screening?

The primary aim of cancer screening is the early detection of different types of cancer. It involves using various screening methods to pinpoint cancer in its initial stages when treatment is most effective. We offer comprehensive screening services to detect different kinds of cancer, from breast cancer to testicular cancer, employing cutting-edge technology to ensure the utmost accuracy.

Your path to peace of mind

Regular cancer screening is your best defence. By catching cancer in its earliest stages, you can take proactive measures to guard against it. For instance, a mammogram can detect breast cancer long before symptoms emerge, increasing the 5-year survival rate to 99% when caught early.

Early detection of cancer is your key to a brighter future, offering a host of advantages that you should consider:

  • It often allows for less invasive surgical procedures. This means less discomfort, shorter recovery times and a quicker return to your normal life.
  • If your cancer is detected earlier, this typically leads to higher quality of life during treatment. You'll likely experience fewer side effects and complications, making your journey through treatment more manageable.
  • Detecting cancer at an early stage with a cancer screening can save you from the hefty expenses associated with late-stage treatments, such as prolonged hospital stays and intensive therapies. This not only protects your financial well-being but also ensures you can continue your work without major disruptions.

But it's not just about costs and treatments. Regular cancer screening provides you with something truly priceless: peace of mind. It's natural to worry about your health, but with regular cancer screening, you can alleviate those anxieties. 

Take control of your health and future by choosing cancer screening with Biolite. It's an investment in yourself that brings peace, security and the promise of a healthier tomorrow.

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When should I get cancer screening?

When considering cancer screenings, it's crucial to account for different types of cancer and recognise that recommendations can vary based on factors such as age, sex, genetic predisposition and personal health history. Below are general guidelines for both men and women regarding the most common types of cancer screenings.

In your 20s and 30s:

Skin Cancer — Regular self-exams for skin changes and annual skin checks by a professional may be advised, especially for those with a family history of skin cancer or who have had significant sun exposure.

Cervical Cancer (Women) — Starting at age 21, women should have a Pap test every three years. HPV testing begins at age 30, either alone or combined with a Pap test, and can be done every 5 years if results are normal.

In your 50s and beyond:

Colorectal Cancer — Continue regular screenings as advised by your healthcare provider, usually until age 75.

Breast Cancer (Women) — Mammograms every 1-2 years, depending on previous findings and risk factors.

Prostate Cancer (Men) — Men should discuss the pros and cons of prostate cancer screening with their doctor to make an informed decision.

In your 40s:

Breast Cancer (Women) — Women may start to consider annual mammograms, especially if there's a family history of breast cancer.

Colorectal Cancer — Beginning at age 45, both men and women should start screening for colorectal cancer. Options include stool-based tests, flexible sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy, depending on patient preference and test availability.

For all ages:

Lung Cancer — Adults aged 50 to 80 who have a 20 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years should be screened annually for lung cancer with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT).

Keep in mind that individuals at higher risk due to family history, genetic factors, or other risk factors may need earlier or more frequent screenings. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional to tailor the screening schedule to your specific needs.

Cancer screening tailored to your needs

At Biolite, we understand that each individual is unique, and their screening requirements may vary. That's why we provide age-specific screening recommendations and guidelines. Our experts collaborate with you to determine the frequency of screenings and identify any risk factors necessitating more frequent or earlier assessments.

Your journey with Biolite

Our cancer screening services at Biolite Aesthetic Clinic are designed to cater to all your needs. We offer a range of services, including blood tests, mammograms, image-guided biopsies and bone-density assessments (also known as bone densitometry). Our welcoming and supportive environment ensures a stress-free experience during your chosen procedures.

At Biolite, our experts assess a combination of factors to determine your cancer risk. If you're at an elevated risk, we'll create a long-term surveillance plan tailored specifically to you, guaranteeing your peace of mind.

If you've previously received a diagnosis elsewhere, Biolite is here to provide a second opinion. You can submit your results to us for a thorough evaluation.

Our goal is to become your trusted partner in breast health. Having the same cancer-specialised provider year after year enables us to monitor changes over time, delivering the best possible care.

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Choose Biolite Aesthetic Clinic for your cancer screening needs

Don't wait until it's too late. Take the first step towards a healthier future by scheduling your cancer screening with Biolite Aesthetic Clinic today. We offer age-specific recommendations, personalised screening plans and a team of experts ready to guide you every step of the way. Explore our range of services in Dubai and book a cancer screening with us.

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What is cancer screening, and why is it important?

Cancer screening involves various tests designed to detect cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages, even before symptoms appear. Early detection is crucial as it can lead to more effective treatment, less invasive interventions, and significantly better outcomes, including higher survival rates.

What types of cancer screening tests are available at Biolite Aesthetic Clinic?

At Biolite, we offer a comprehensive range of cancer screening tests, including mammograms for breast cancer, skin checks, Pap tests, and HPV tests for cervical cancer; low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) for lung cancer; and colonoscopies for colorectal cancer.

How often should I undergo cancer screening?

The frequency of cancer screenings depends on various factors, including age, gender, personal health history, and genetic predisposition. For example, women may begin mammograms for breast cancer in their 40s, whereas both men and women are advised to start screening for colorectal cancer at age 45. It's best to consult with a healthcare professional at Biolite to tailor a screening schedule that fits your needs.

What are the risk factors for breast cancer?

Risk factors for breast cancer include age, family history of breast or ovarian cancer, genetic mutations such as BRCA1 or BRCA2, early menstruation, late menopause, and lifestyle factors like smoking or a sedentary lifestyle. Regular screenings are recommended to monitor any developments, especially if you possess these risk factors.

Is breast cancer screening painful or uncomfortable?

While discomfort levels can vary, most breast cancer screenings like mammograms may involve brief discomfort during the procedure as the breasts are compressed to obtain clear images. However, this discomfort is temporary and generally well-tolerated.

What should I expect during a breast cancer screening appointment?

During a breast cancer screening, such as a mammogram, you’ll be asked to undress from the waist up. The procedure involves placing each breast on a flat plate, followed by compression with another plate to spread out the breast tissue for clear imaging. The process is quick, usually about 20 minutes, and is performed by trained medical professionals to ensure your comfort.

How accurate are breast cancer screening tests?

Breast cancer screening tests, particularly mammograms, are highly effective but not perfect. They can detect many cancer cases early but may sometimes result in false positives or negatives. Regular screenings and consultations help monitor any changes over time, increasing the accuracy of early detection.

What happens if a cancer screening test detects abnormalities?

If an abnormality is detected during a screening, additional tests like biopsies, further imaging, or blood tests may be recommended to determine the nature of the abnormality. At Biolite, we ensure a thorough evaluation and will guide you through the next steps, providing support and detailed information.

Can cancer screening save on long-term healthcare costs?

Yes, early detection through regular cancer screening can potentially save on extensive costs associated with advanced cancer treatments. Early-stage cancer often requires less aggressive treatment, which can be less costly and less disruptive to daily life while also improving survival rates.

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