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Weighing the benefits of SilkPeel Dermalinfusion over Hydrafacial
The SilkPeel Dermalinfusion by Envy Medical is a non-invasive, medical-grade three-in-one treatment that deeply cleanses, exfoliates, and moisturises the face using a customised diamond-tipped wand. The treatment, also called the Diamond Facial, is a deep functioning skincare technique that targets several problem areas like fine lines, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and sun damage. It is suitable for all skin types and leaves skin softer, smoother, and more hydrated.
How does the SilkPeel Dermalinfusion work?
The Dermalinfusion works in a three-step process:
A diamond tip specific to your skin type is selected. Gentle tips are employed for treatment on lips and around the eyes.
The vacuum suctions clear the debris from your skin through a closed-loop.
While it exfoliates and cleanses, it also infuses your skin with a serum that is selected for your skin condition. The serums are created scientifically to be compatible with the dermalinfusion technology.
SilkPeel Dermalinfusion vs Hydrafacial
The Hydrafacial follows a similar skincare route: It cleanses, exfoliates, and hydrates the skin using a vacuum tip. The facial is wildly popular, easily accessible, and has created a dependable brand image. So what makes the SilkPeel Dermalinfusion better?
Medical-grade: Many top dermatologists and aestheticians in the USA and UK consider the Sikpeel Dermalinfusion treatment to be is a superior treatment because it uses medical-grade diamond-tipped wands that safely and effectively exfoliate, cleanse, and rejuvenate the deeper layers of skin.
Customisation: Although customisation is possible in Hydrafacials, the degree of individual treatment is lower than Silkpeel facials. In Silkpeel facials, everything from the wand tip to the kind of serum is selected specifically for your skin type. The treatment is suitable for all skin types and can even be used to treat pigmentation and acne, since the skin is infused and treated with medical-grade serums at a deeper level. On the other hand, hydrafacials are not that effective in treating specific skin concerns and its results are more general.
Application: The SilkPeel Dermalinfusion can be used on sensitive areas like lips and areas surrounding the eyes. The treatment can be used all over your body for different skincare complaints like cracked ankles, stretch marks, and cellulite. The Hydrafacial is only used on your face and is not typically applied anywhere else. This makes dermalinfusion a versatile treatment that targets a variety of skin problems.
Effectiveness: The Hydrafacial is available in salons and spas, and treats the skin superficially. It does not engage in deep penetration and only treats the upper layer of the skin. The SilkPeel Dermalinfusion utilises medical-grade equipment that employs scientifically-formulated serums. The customisable diamond tip of the treatment ensures proper exfoliation, while the Hydrafacial focuses more on extraction. Further, the dermalinfusion is a precision-timed treatment where the serum is supplied to your skin at the moment of exfoliation. Your skin is most penetrable when it is exfoliated and the dermalinfusion bridges that crucial time gap. This enhances the serum’s performance to give optimum results. Envy Medical determines that a 70 percent increase in volume can be expected after a SilkPeel Dermalinfusion.
Results: You can expect immediate results after the Silkpeel Dermalinfsion. Your skin will be more resilient, fresh, and radiant. Repeated sessions of the Silkpeel facials is especially great for people who have acne-prone skin, discoloration or pigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles. When compared to similar treatments like Hydrafacials, the results have proven to last longer after even one session of a Silkpeel facial.
Discomfort and downtime: The Hydrafacial exfoliation is known to be slightly uncomfortable and gives a sand-paper-like feel. Dermalinfusion is a painless treatment with virtually no downtime. It is gentle on the skin and takes into consideration your specific skin type. This makes the process smoother and more desirable.
All these prove that the SilkPeel Dermalinfusion is a treatment with effective, long-lasting results and no downtime. The Hydrafacial is good for general glow and hydration but it is ultimately a surface-level treatment. A dermalinfusion is deeply penetrative and targets several problems areas—from dark spots to wrinkles. Despite the upper hand, it costs nearly as much as the Hydrafacial, which makes it a cost-effective skincare treatment. At Biolite, we have especially prepared a 60-min treatment that ensures deep cleansing using an enzyme mask, followed by steam and extraction, later accompanied by the Silkpeel Dermalinfusion and calming mask to conclude the treatment.
At Biolite we also offer the Dermasweep Exfoliation Treatment. It uses a vacuum wand which sweeps away dead skin cells in a controlled setting. There are nine kinds of treatment tips that are selected based on your skin type. The vacuum pressure is also set to give you optimal results. The vacuum action stimulates blood circulation, increases collagen, and cleans clogged pores. This results in clear, firm, and even-toned skin. The DermaSweep comes with an EpiInfusion option where a serum is directly supplied to your skin. This serum is customised per your skin requirements and determined by your aesthetician. The DermaSweep treatment is effective in treating hyperpigmentation, acne scars, melasma, and uneven skin tone as well as reducing fine lines and wrinkles. To book a consultation or appointment with us, click here.FEATURED IMAGE COURTESY: Diana.grytsku for